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Sustainable Development

February 1, 2017 marks the one-year anniversary of Reliable Controls’ Sustainability Initiative. It all started as an inform and educate campaign on the importance of Sustainable Development, but throughout the last year it has transformed into a much broader mission.

In the last 150 years, the human species has made great strides in improving our quality of life on this planet through innovations in energy, technology, transportation, agriculture, communications and health care. Infant mortality rates are way down and our life spans have increased considerably. Because of this, our global population is growing exponentially, along with the high demand for natural resources. A shift in mentality must occur from both the industry and social sides of the spectrum. The extractive industry must approach sustainability through complete life cycle analyses and fully optimized operations (minimizing the use of all resources, including reagents, water and energy), and the public must have a keen understanding of the connection between mining and our way of life, now and for future generations.

With our unique expertise in process controls, plant commissioning and start-up, we are perfectly poised to optimize existing facilities to help our clients reach their sustainable goals. With this objective in mind, we vetted our concept with advisers in DC, University academics and industry leaders worldwide. The message of sustainability resonates loudly. It is of course a global issue that affects us all.

It is now the goal of RCC to partner with local and federal governments, international bodies, Universities, industry leaders and technology visionaries to help develop new methods and processes to reach sustainable development goals. We aim to do this not only for mining and metals, but also for clean water, renewable energy and food production. We will continue to do our part to educate the public on 21st century mineral needs and build relationships with individuals and groups from all demographics to help achieve a global standard for sustainability. Our vision is long-term, and this is only the beginning.

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